Imbolc (2nd February)

Imbolc, also known as Candlemas, comes six weeks after Yule and six weeks before the Spring Equinox. At this time, Witches honor the Celtic Triple Goddess Brid (pronounced Breed) in her maiden aspect. Brid or Brigid is goddess of fire, inspiration, healing, craftsmanship, and midwifery. She is patroness of the hearth, poets, smiths, craftspeople, healers, and priests.

Imbolc is the winter Festival of Lights. It is the quickening of the year, the first fetal stirrings of Spring in the womb of Mother Earth. Spring lies within sight and the seed is prepared for sowing. It is a fire festival, but emphasis is put on light rather than heat -- light as it begins to pierce the gloom of winter.

February 2 is also Groundhog's Day (USA). The groundhog is a manifestation of the God. He has been sleeping since Samhain and stirs in his slumber to get a take on the coming light.

If Candlemas day be sunny and bright, Winter again will show its might.
If Candlemas day be cloudy and grey, Winter soon will pass away.
(Selena Fox)


The herbs of Imbolc play both a practical and spiritual role, in some cases fortifying your strength and endurance, and in others making you feel good about yourself emotionally and spiritually.

Imbolc's symbolic tree is the ash tree. Herbs of the season are:

Heather, dried sage, celandine, lemon, honey, dried chamomile, coriander seeds, garlic, rose hips, ash leaf or wood, witch hazel or hazel leaves, sunflower seeds, dried sunflower petals, vervain,violets, wheat, corn, grains, myrrh, storax, balsams, dragon's blood, benzoin, mastic


Carnation, vanilla, vanilla musk


Clear quartz, citrine, yellow tourmaline,green tourmaline, rose quartz, hematite, lodestone, ruby, garnet, red zircon, pearls